
Donorfy’s Response to Black Lives Matter

Written by Jenny Slater | Jun 11, 2020 12:04:00 PM

Like so many millions around the world, George Floyd’s murder and the resurgent Black Lives Matter movement has led us at Donorfy to question our behaviour and attitudes.

Individually, and as a company, we’ve realised how much we need to learn. Not being racist is not the same as being anti-racist.

We are grateful for resources being shared on white privilege and racism in the workplace, particularly in the charity sector. We have a lot of reading, thinking and reflecting to do and we know we have a long way to go – this is just the start of the journey.

To ensure we embed change on a practical level, we have started regular internal discussions, whilst acknowledging these discussions have limitations given our white staff base. We are analysing our recruitment process (both within the Donorfy Team and our Partners), our Equality and Diversity practices, and the product itself (are there any improvements to the CRM that would benefit marginalised communities?). 

Whilst we may not have a 10 step plan ready to go today, this is because we want to ensure we take the time to do it right and be true to our values. We don’t have all the answers now and we welcome input from the Donorfy community and beyond.

We acknowledge that we have a role to play in the suffering that Black People and People of Colour have faced and continue to face in our society. We’re thinking about it, working on it and will do better.