
Welcome New Team Member Rich Bee

Written by Robin Fisk | Apr 8, 2020 12:07:00 PM
What’s your role at Donorfy?

I’m a consultant in the Customer Success team, helping new Donorfy users get set up right, so they can be as successful as possible with their new CRM. In practice that means helping customers migrate their existing data into Donorfy, developing new fundraising processes that really make use of Donorfy’s automation capabilities and supporting customers through the early days of system implementation.

How long have you been working in the charity sector and who for?

I’ve been in the sector for about seven years, on and off. Most of my roles have been in comms and fundraising and for the last few years I’ve been a Donorfy customer—leading the Engagement team at A Rocha UK.

What do you like most about Donorfy?

I’ve liked the product ever since I started using it as a customer, but the really attractive thing for me was the team culture. The same genre-busting, surely-there’s-a-better-way-of-doing-this approach that you see in the software is reflected in how we work together. It’s the least hierarchical organisation I’ve ever encountered—everyone has a voice, and everyone shares responsibility for making the software as effective and as helpful as it can be. I love that.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work?

Two young children means there’s a bit less time available after work than there used to be! Given the opportunity, I love getting out on the open road on a bicycle (definitely a bit of a MAMIL!) Otherwise, it’s likely to be some combination of music, church and really good coffee!