Income Processing and Gift Aid
Donorfy features, automations and integrations give you the power to build beautiful seamless supporter journeys.

Make every penny count
Raise more
It takes a lot more budget and effort to acquire new supporters than enhancing the value of the ones you already have.
Donorfy provides the tools for you to rapidly process gifts and thank the donor recoveries. This way, you can focus on bringing donations in without worrying about your capacity to process them.
Add to that fully automated collection of recurring gifts and Gift Aid recovery… and Donorfy is the complete solution!

Manage every aspect of income processing
Donation Management
- Handle income of any type, including card payment via Stripe, direct debits through GoCardless, standing orders, cheques and more
- Enter and import transactions, split allocations and soft-credit gifts to other constituents
- Create thank you letter and email templates to acknowledge donations
- Integrate third party direct debits with our electronic fund transfer (EFT) features
- Easily export income data into your accounting software, or use our approved Xero integration

Take the time and effort out of processing Gift Aid
Gift Aid Integration
- Automate collection of Gift Aid on all eligible gifts via the HMRC portal
- Track Gift Aid declarations on every constituent, with scanned image attachments
- Export CSV confirmation letters for verbal GADs
- Donorfy’s solution is set up to support the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme
High volume transaction processing.
- Reduce manual data workload with our powerful batch entry features
- Customise your batch entry screens using batch templates
- Automate the thank you process using email templates for digital communications, or mail merge for postal acknowledgements
- Import transactions from third party sources or integrate using Donorfy’s REST API
Revolutionise your relationship with donors.
Donorfy features, automations and integrations give you the power to build beautiful seamless supporter journeys.