
Do more good with conversational AI

What if you could chat with your supporters in real-time, without staff resource?

You can - and that lovely data can flow into your Donorfy, too. No developers needed. Connect with a few clicks.

From EBM, Chat2Impact chatbots are ready and waiting to help your supporters, any time you can't pick up a call. Great for supporters, great for you.

Try this (3)

Relevant Conversations

Example: Your fundraising events are imported into Chat2Impact from Donorfy. You use that data to drive relevant conversations through your chatbot, and take registrations in real-time.

Smooth Syncronisation

The smooth two-way connection keeps your data continuously up-to-date, so it's always accurate, report-ready and primed for informed decision making.

Direct Donations

Easily enable donations in your chatbot with the integrated Stripe Integration. Leverage Chat2Impact's analytics to track and monitor the donations gathered by your chatbot. See real-time insights into your chatbot's fundraising impact!

AI for everyone


Here's a quick overview of the product and integration.

You're just a toggle away from making it active! Oh, and making it easier to boost donations, engage volunteers and support your service users.

Book your quick discovery call with the Chat2Impact team today, or get started immediately with a 30 day free trial.

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