Wildly Effective Fundraising
How WWF Denmark increased donations by over 20%
About WWF Denmark
Charity Profile
- Migrated from: Microsoft Dynamics
- No of Constituents: 20,000 +
- Charity type: Animal & Wildlife
- Donorfy Edition: Professional
WWF Denmark, a part of the global WWF family, is dedicated to preserving the world's biodiversity, promoting sustainability and reducing pollution and wasteful consumption.
Founded in 1972, the charity operates with 65 staff and is supported by 24,000 monthly donors who primarily give through Betalingsservice and MobilePay.
Why a new CRM?
Automation: To save time
To accommodate that growth the back-office systems needed modernising, with a focus on automation.
OnlineFundraising Integration
A CRM that has a deep integration with Online Fundraising to support fundraising.
Excellent Customer Service
Need to give good customer service and see everything about a supporter in one place.
the challenge
No clear supporter intel, and too many manual processes
WWF Denmark acquire new supporters primarily through their active digital presence, using Facebook Ads, Google Ads, email and telemarketing channels.
As a result of their digital marketing activities WWF are experiencing strong growth, and expect that to continue. Therefore, to accommodate that growth the back-office systems needed modernising, with a focus on automation. By automating the repetitive tasks, the marketing and fundraising team would be freed up to do more of what matters - finding more support for the cause.
Prior to implementing Donorfy, WWF were using a finance system (Microsoft Dynamics AX) to manage the financial processes around the collection of monthly subscriptions. This system sat primarily in the Finance and Administration department, was not integrated into anything else, and required lengthy manual processes which in turn required more staff.
The old systems were also making it hard to give good customer service because it was not possible to see everything about a supporter in one place.
And furthermore it was an on-premise solution, with all of the associated costs, IT responsibilities and security risks.
Automations, integrations and future proof features
Realising that they needed to modernise, WWF’s first step was to move their Betalingsservice processing from Microsoft Dynamics AX to OnlineFundraising from Fundraisingbureauet. OnlineFundraising is a cloud-based payments solution that is linked into all the major payment methods. This enabled WWF to continue using Betalingsservice and also embrace other payment methods, including MobilePay, cards and SMS.
OnlineFundraising is a payments solution, but WWF required more than just payments - they needed a broader CRM solution, which would not only integrate the payments piece but would also integrate with digital tools for fundraising such as email marketing and social giving.
WWF and Donorfy worked in partnership
So WWF selected Donorfy and the implementation began - first for new donors, and then the existing donors were migrated into Donorfy.
Along the way WWF and Donorfy took the opportunity to challenge some processes and assumptions, resulting in the modernisation of fundraising processes, and simplification of a complicated range of subscription products. In this way, the implementation of a new CRM became a catalyst for modernising the business.
Learning points
Test, test and test! The data migration is important, and WWF took great care to make sure the quality of the data being migrated was high. Status meetings throughout the project ensured that everyone knew what was happening.
Running a CRM project during a pandemic is possible, but it took longer. There’s no substitute for face to face meetings if you can do them.
An integrated solution
A complete picture of every supporter
As a result of Donorfy’s deep integration with OnlineFundraising, WWF have a complete and up to date picture of every supporter. This allows them to provide the appropriate customer service and the right messaging to the right people in their marketing communications.
Besides new technology, WWF have modernised and simplified how they work.
CRM is now where it belongs, in Fundraising, but is also accessible across the organisation. Donorfy is not sold on a per-user basis, so there is no additional cost for the whole organisation to use it.
Going live is not the end of the story. WWF now have a platform that is fit for the future, and the ambition to build upon it as fundraising at WWF develops in the future.
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