Birch Managed Implementation Guide

Project Guide


Birch (1)


Your charity is about to embark on an exciting journey as you've decided to implement Donorfy!

From workshops, consultations and frequent check-ins with your dedicated consultant, this guide will explain how your onboarding will work. We'll work together to create a schedule and meet deadlines to keep the project on track. Start here to learn about the process, or skip to a section.

Introduction & Your TeamScheduling & Kick Off Meeting

Data Migration TemplateDonorfy Academy & Resources

Implementation ScheduleProject Deliverables


Introduction & Your Project Team

We’ll support you so that Donorfy has a transformational impact on your organisation.

This is why we don’t just send you a login and do everything behind the scenes, but instead work with you to build a Donorfy that is ready for your charity.

Throughout the process, the emphasis is put on training and up-skilling your staff, with your charity Project Team directed to essential training courses throughout the implementation process. There is also a wider curriculum, accessible via our Donorfy Academy, to prepare your charity for Go-Live.

Before various workshops, you will have preparation to undertake, whether it is collating data, considering tags and purposes, or getting ready to integrate JustGiving. Every step of the way, those involved will grow their knowledge, skills and confidence in using Donorfy.

Our team is always there to support you – so please reach out to your onboarding consultant if you have any questions.


Your Project Team

As you prepare to onboard with Donorfy, organising your Project Team to guide the implementation is an important first step.

Your Project Team will ideally include someone who will lead on data preparation. Depending upon the project's scope, they will be confident in Excel and your current CRM if you have one.  
You will also need someone who can lead on fundraising decisions. At various points, it will be useful to include someone who knows how transactional data should be recorded on your Fundraising CRM. This may be one person, or it could be three separate members of staff.  
When discussing Donorfy Forms during the Integration Workshop, you may also want to include the person responsible for your website content.  
We advise not making the Project Team to big – three the largest number needed to make it effective – as key to success will be the Project Team wanting to take ownership of both the onboarding project, but importantly, Donorfy going forward.  
Your Project Team will be there from the first Scheduling Meeting right through to GoLive and be the Donorfy champions and experts in-house post-onboarding.  

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Scheduling & Kick-Off Meeting

Your Onboarding Consultant will arrange a Scheduling & Kick-Off Meeting with you.

During the meeting, your consultant will agree on key dates and milestones with you, explain the Data Migration Templates, and set your charity up with access to the Academy resources. Your Project Team should all attend this meeting.

Key Dates to Schedule

  Week 1:
  • Data Review Meeting (2 hours)
  • Data Delivery Deadline for Configuration
  Week 2:
  • Data Review Workshop (2 hours)
  • Configuration Workshops (4 hours)
  • Opportunities Workshop (1.5 hours)
  Week 3:
  • Check-in - Final Data Preparation (optional, 1 hour)
  • Data Delivery Deadline for Migration
  • Test Run Data Migration
  Week 4:
  • Test Run Data Validation (1.5 hours)
  Week 5:
  • Integrations & Forms Workshop (2 hours)
  • Final Run Data Migration
  Week 6:
  • Final Data Validation Deadline
  • Go-Live Consultancy (2 hours)

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Data Migration Template 

The migration template is where you will provide data to inform configuration in Week 2 and to be migrated into Donorfy in Week 3. Certain fields are mandatory, and others are not. There are instructions and information held in your data template and your consultant will also explain the template during the meeting. 

Please note: Different onboarding packages have different data limits and data types included – these are listed here. There are three key data metrics – the number of constituents, the overall amount of data and the type of data. The overall data is the total number of rows of data you add to the various worksheets in the Data Migration Template. If you think you will exceed either of these amounts, please speak to your consultant as early as possible. If you have data not included in the data types for your onboarding package, please also speak to your consultant.

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Donorfy Academy and On-Demand Resources

During your project, as many of your team as you wish are welcome to attend Donorfy Academy courses
Each week, we will recommend key training modules for the Project Team. The Project Team and wider charity staff are also encouraged to view as many modules as possible from the resource catalogue whilst access is available. Multiple members of staff can use the licences provided to these resources.   




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Implementation Schedule

  • Week 1: Data Preparation (Pre-Configuration)

    Your implementation is underway! The Donorfy subscription should have been setup and your team can make a start familiarising themselves with your new CRM.

    This week, you’ll prepare data in the migration templates for submission in Week 2.  
    Tasks to Complete 

    •    Set up your Donorfy subscription 
    •    Connect Donorfy to your email server 
    •    Invite your consultant to be an Administrator in your Donorfy 
    •    Apply for your JustGiving Data API (Details below on how to do this) 
    Project Training to Complete 

    •    Starting a Donorfy Trial 
    •    Logging Into Donorfy 
    •    How to Get help 
    •    Set Up – IT Administration 
    •    Adding a new Constituent 
    •    Adding a Donation & Thanking by Email or Letter 
    •    Send to Donorfy 
    Data Review Meeting (2 hours) 

    This meeting will discuss how you are collating data in the migration template provided. Please share your migration template via screen share and update the consultant on the progress you are making. It’s an opportunity to ask questions and seek advice about populating the templates from your own data sets.  
    We will also talk through Tags in Donorfy. Following on from this, we advise that you have your own internal meeting to plan out the Tags and Tag Categories you would like to have in your version of Donorfy. 
    Please note: Managed Onboarding packages do not include data extraction consultancy.  
    Apply for your JustGiving API 

    For the JustGiving integration that will be made live later in the project, you will need to now apply for an upgraded API for the integration between Donorfy and JustGiving.  Firstly, register for access to the JustGiving API via  
    Once this has come through, request to upgrade your API to the Data API Plan by raising a JustGiving developer support request. It depends on how busy they are at JustGiving as to how long this takes to come through. You will also need to know your JustGiving charity ID – this is saved in your JustGiving account under Settings>Edit Charity Details> Charity ID. You will get an email with the info for the new Data API - save this and we can then do the rest when we go through your integration’s session.  

  • Week 1: Data & Configuration Preparation

    This week you will finalise the first data set to be submitted to your consultant ready for Week 2’s Configuration Workshops. Your Project Team will work together in-house to build up a list of potential configuration settings to discuss with your consultant in the Configuration Workshops.   
    Tasks to Complete
    •    Submit your migration template to Donorfy before the submission deadline 
    •    Consider your Financial Configuration settings in Donorfy 
    •    Collate GDPR consents from the data template and current website 
    •    Charity Project team to create a 1st draft of Tag Categories and Constituent Types
    •    Review Opportunities settings in Donorfy

    Project Training to Complete 

    •    Tags & Activities 
    •    Configuration: Financial Settings 
    •    Configuration: Opportunities 
    •    Configuration: Preferences 
    Data Delivery Deadline for Configuration  

    Use WeTransfer and send your consultant your migration template before the submission deadline. Always password protect your template and remember to let us know the password.  
    Please note: If you submit data after the deadline, this may affect the project schedule. If the schedule is changed by the client mid-project, then this may incur additional costs – read more about this here.
    Configuration Settings: Financial 

    We encourage you to use this week’s training to inform you how to update financial configurations in Donorfy. Once in Donorfy, these can be reviewed and updated with your consultant. The settings to be configured are: 

    •    Payment Methods 
    •    Funds 
    •    Bank Accounts 
    •    Products 
    •    Department 
    Please note: Any settings added to Donorfy MUST be an identical match with the same fields in your data template. 
    Configuration Settings: Purposes 

    Purposes are the permissions your constituents will have given regarding what you can contact them about, for example, “I consent to receive information about fundraising appeals”.  
    You will likely have recorded a series of consents or opt-ins for your constituents. Please collate these different consents in a word document and bring to the configuration workshops. Your consultant will work with you during the workshops to translate these into Donorfy Purposes.  
    Configuration Settings: Tags 

    Tags are the best place to represent the different identities of your constituents – for example tags could be Regular Giver, 2022 London Marathon Participant, Volunteer etc.  
    Meet with your team and decide on your potential Tag Categories. We suggest no more than eight categories. Use the resources in this week’s training to help inform your list of categories and bring them, as a Word document, to the configuration workshop.  
    Please note: All Tags and Tag Categories that correspond to your data set to be migrated must be added to Donorfy before the migration takes place. 
    Please note: If you add Tag Categories to Donorfy, please do not remove the Recency, Frequency, Value tags category or its contents. 
    Configuration Settings: Constituent Type 

    Constituent Type can split constituents into broad groups. Typically, you will have no more than six broad groups, for example: 

    •    Individual 
    •    Company 
    •    Trust 
    •    Community Organisation 
    •    Statutory Funder 
    You may have companies or organisations subdivided into different types – Tags are the best place to house these subdivisions. Work with your Project Team to build a list of Constituent Types related to the data you are migrating and bring to Week 2’s workshops. 
    Configuration Settings: Campaigns 

    Campaigns are where you recognise your fundraising appeals. Any income needs to be added to a campaign, whether a proactive campaign, such as the 2022 Great North Run, or a more reactive campaign over a fiscal year, for example, 2022-2023 Ad-Hoc Unsolicited Income. There will be some multi-year campaigns (notably Regular Giving) and you may wish to call these names such as Regular Giving Campaign or Membership Income, where specific years are left out of the campaign name.  
    Please note: Any Campaigns that appear in your data to be migrated must be added to Donorfy before migration.

  • Week 2: Configuration

    You will spend this week configuring your Donorfy and interrogating the data in your migration template. Your Donorfy consultant will guide and advise on how your Donorfy system can be configured to suit your organisation’s needs.  
    Tasks to Complete 

    •    Attend Configuration Workshops 1&2 
    •    Attend Opportunities Workshop 
    •    Follow-up work from Workshops 
    Project Training to Complete 

    •    Use the Academy's on-demand resources to choose relevant training 
    Data Configuration Workshops  

    In each workshop, your Project Team will work with the consultant on ensuring that your data in your template can be migrated into Donorfy. During the workshops, the project team will refer to all the preparations you've done to help inform your Donorfy configuration. The consultant will suggest the best ways to configure Donorfy and build on your preparation work.  
    Finally, the data template will be returned to you, and your Project Team will update any relevant fields identified in the workshops.  

  • Week 3: Data Preparation

    This week, you will use the knowledge gained from the data mapping workshop and begin preparing your final data set in the migration templates for import.

    Tasks to Complete

    • Update Data migration template ready for migration

    Project Training to Complete

    • Use the Academy's on-demand resources to select relevant training

    Check-in - Final Data Preparation (Optional, 1 hour)

    Your consultant will have scheduled a Check-in to see how your final data template is progressing.

    You may decide that you are progressing well and do not need the meeting – if so, please let the consultant know. However, you may have a few outstanding questions – this is the place to ask and resolve these as you finalise your data template for migration.


  • Week 3: Data Delivery Deadline for Migration

    This week, you will submit your final data set to Donorfy so we can migrate your data into Donorfy.

    Tasks to Complete

    • Submit your migration template to Donorfy before the submission deadline

    Project Training to Complete

    • Use the Academy's on-demand resources to select relevant training

    Data Delivery Deadline for Migration

    Use WeTransfer and send our consultant your final data template before the submission deadline. Always password protect your template and remember to let us know the password.

    Please note: If you submit data after the deadline, this may affect the project schedule. If the schedule is changed by the client mid-project, then this may incur additional costs.

  • Week 3: Test Run Data Migration

    This week, we will migrate a test sample (roughly 10%) of your data Into Donorfy. As we migrate this test sample, you can spend more time training on how to use Donorfy.  
    Tasks to Complete 

    •    Begin populating your Donorfy Protocols Template ready for Go-Live.  
    Project Training to Complete 

    •    Use the Academy's on-demand resources to select relevant training 
    Check-in with your Consultant 

    You can use your check-in to give feedback on the project so far and ask any questions about the next steps.        

  • Week 4: Test Run Data Validation

    This week your Project Team will check the test data migrated into Donorfy and sign-off the test data migration.

    Tasks to Complete

    • Attend Data Validation Meeting (1 hour)
    • Validate the test data migration to Donorfy using the Data Validation Form
    • Submit any validation comments to your consultant by the Test Data Validation Deadline

    Data Validation & Data Validation Deadline

    Your consultant will let you know when your migrated test data is ready to validate in Donorfy. Data Validation is where the Project Team will cross-check a series of records from your Data Migration Template with the records and data now held in Donorfy. The test validation aims to confirm the data has been migrated correctly.

    If the Project Team find any inconsistencies, then they have up until the Data Validation Deadline to complete and submit a Validation Form to their consultant. If no Validation Form is submitted by this deadline, then the validation part of the project will be considered completed, and the final migration of all data will occur.

    Please note: Whilst our team will work tirelessly to migrate data accuracy, with multiple checking, it is the responsibility of the Project Team to report any inaccuracies before the Data Validation Deadline. Any comments or findings submitted after this deadline will be considered out of this project's scope of work.

  • Week 5: Integrations, Forms & Final Migration
    As we undertake the data migration this week, you will spend time looking at which of the standard Donorfy integrations you plan to use, as well as learning more about Donorfy Forms. Your end-user training session will also take place. 
    Tasks to Complete 

    •    Have your JustGiving upgraded data API ready for the Integrations Workshop 
    Project Training to Complete (if relevant) 

    •    Eventbrite 
    •    Facebook Giving 
    •    JustGiving Integration 
    •    Mailchimp or DotDigital Integration 
    •    Forms 
    •    Enthuse 
    Integrations & Forms Workshop (2 hours) 

    This workshop will demonstrate how to use Donorfy to connect to different platforms. The consultant will show you how to connect to whichever of our standard integrations you require. 
    In addition, time will be spent demonstrating Donorfy Forms and how to create them.
  • Week 6: Final Run Data Validation

    This week your Project Team will check the final data set that has been migrated into Donorfy and sign-off the data migration part of your onboarding project.  
    Tasks to Complete 

    •    Validate the data migration to Donorfy 
    •    Submit any validation comments to your consultant by the Data Validation Deadline  
    Project Training to Complete 

    •    Use the Academy's on-demand resources to select relevant training 
    Data Validation & Data Validation Deadline 
    Your consultant will let you know when your final migrated data is ready to validate in Donorfy. Data Validation is where the Project Team will cross-check a series of records from your Data Migration template with the records and data now held in Donorfy. The aim of validation is to confirm the data has been migrated correctly.  
    If the Project Team find any inconsistencies, then they have up until the Data Validation 
    Deadline to complete and submit a Validation Form to their consultant. If no Validation Form is submitted by this deadline, then the validation part of the project will be considered completed.  
    Please note: Whilst our team will work tirelessly to migrate data accuracy, with multiple checking, it is the responsibility of the Project Team to report any inaccuracies before the Data Validation Deadline. Any comments or findings submitted after this deadline will be considered out of this project's scope.  

  • Week 6: Go Live!

    This week you should plan for your Donorfy to Go-Live! We are there for last-minute questions as you get going on your Donorfy journey. Your Project Team will now have had two months of exposure to Donorfy, spent time with our experts and have many hours of training under their belts. 
    The Project Team are ready to ensure that Donorfy will make a transformational impact at your charity. Over the coming weeks, they will continue to build new tags, activities and add data as required to meet your needs. In-line with your Onboarding Package, your On-Demand Resource access will be extended as you Go-Live and start to use Donorfy.  
    Go-Live Consultancy (2 hours) 

    This meeting gives the team access to your consultant to ask last-minute questions before the onboarding project is completed.  


Birch Implementation Package Deliverables

Here's a summary of what's included in your package.

Outlining what is included and to what timelines, who remains accountable/takes ownership of a particular item and what is considered out of the scope of the implementation process.  

  • The onboarding package is priced at £9,995 + VAT and spans a duration of 6 weeks, with the timeline outlined above.
  • Weekly contact via Zoom with the consultant to keep the project on track.
  • The migration of up to 35k constituents by a Donorfy technical consultant.
  • The migration of up to 250k overall records, including constituents, transactions, activities, RPIs and opportunities by a Donorfy technical consultant.
  • Import templates and data mapping guidance provided by a Donorfy consultant.
  • The test migration of up to 10% of data for testing and feedback.
  • Data validation log template provided by the Donorfy consultant to record test migration issues.
  • Data validation period of 5 days for the customer to check and feedback errors via the data validation log provided.
  • Final migration to be completed by the Donorfy technical consultant, addressing all issues raised on the data validation log.
  • Any issues identified after the final migration, that were not recorded on the data validation log from the test migration is considered out of scope.
  • The Donorfy consultant will provide the charities protocol template for you to modify and use as a reference for using Donorfy going forward. 
Considered out of scope 
  • Exporting data from another CRM or the manipulation of data in Excel.
  • Bespoke training.
  • Custom integrations/forms/lists not part of the standard Donorfy CRM.
  • The designing or documentation of specific charity processes. 
  • Importing more than 35,000 constituents and 250,000 records. 
  • Migrating attachments.

Optional extras
  • Data extraction from another CRM via a Donorfy partner (from £1,500 + VAT)
  • Custom lists* (from £995 + VAT) or API Integrations (from 9,995 + VAT)
  • Bespoke user training (from £495 + VAT) or process documentation (from £2,500 + VAT)
  • Extension to the weekly onboarding package (Additional £300 + VAT per week)
  • Importing additional records when the package allocation is exceeded (£0.03 + VAT per record). 

    * Requires Private Cloud server.

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