Product Update: March 2020 (OnlineFundraising Integration)

Product Updates
Primary contact created for organisation constituents:
If an organisation name is provided in the OnlineFundraising dataset alongside a first name and a last name, then an individual constituent will be created and linked to the organisation constituent.
Due day of payment:
The due date of payment is now in Date1 for payment failed/rejected activities.
Handling Addon cancellations: What happens when an Addon in OnlineFundraising is Cancelled.
Puts the Cancel (End Date) into the End Date of the RPI Payment
Deletes the Allocation linked to the OnlineFundraising Payment
Creates a linked Activity on the constituent’s Timeline with information (below) of what has been done
Type = Upgrade Cancelled
Code3 = AddonGuid
Date1 = EndDate FK_RelatedEntityId - RPI ID
Number1 - RPI Number
Payment refunds
When a payment is refunded in OnlineFundraising the transaction in Donorfy is now deleted and an Activity is added to the constituent’s Timeline.
UTM Tracking Data stored in SQL table
If the OnlineFundraising dataset contains UTM tracking data this will now be stored in the new [crm].[TrackingCodes] table.
New data column
New DateTimePaid column for [crm].[Transaction] stores the time as well as the date of payment.
Bug Fixes
The following reported or found bugs have been now been fixed:
Collection Method column now correctly shows OnlineFundraising in Lists.
UI Actions - Hide/disable some UI actions
Some of the UI actions, such as resuming a paused RPI, have been hidden as these actions are only available from inside OnlineFundraising.
Removed some duplicate transactions
Due to a bug, some webhooks from OnlineFundraising were processed multiple times resulting in duplicate transactions.
Cleanup of transactions which are charged then rejected in OnlineFundraising
Occasionally we have seen some transactions sent from OnlineFundraising as charged and then later rejected. These have been removed.